It’s the End of the Blog as We Know It

This is my 105th blog post. I started this blog on September 2, 2021, and I’ve posted every Thursday since for two years. I’ve enjoyed it, and I’ve been proud of myself for sticking with it and for keeping up with it consistently. I’m a teacher at heart, and I love sharing what I’ve learned about writing and the writing life with other writers.

But something happened earlier in the week that made me start thinking about the things I want to carry with me into 2024. Honestly, I’d carry all the things with me into the new year if time weren’t an issue. They all feed my soul in different ways. But time is an issue. I’ve started several new projects this year, my book coaching business is growing, and I’m realizing I have to let go of some things that no longer serve me in order to make room for all the new things that are coming into my life.

So, I made a list of all the things I’m currently doing, and I started thinking about which things I could let go of or should let go of.  When I considered that I’m now coaching writers one-on-one and in groups, and that book coaching and my newsletter are now doing many of the same things I tried to do with The Write Stuff, I knew the blog was one of the things I would let go of.  And when I realized I was coming up on the two-year anniversary of the blog, the timing seemed right. This will be my last post, at least for now.

This is not goodbye–it’s, “I’ll see you around.” I’m enjoying writing my newsletter immensely, so you can subscribe and keep up with me through my newsletter. You can hire me to work with you on your book. And The Write Stuff isn’t going anywhere. All the posts will still be right here for you to read, and I will share some of them on social media occasionally, as the mood strikes. I can’t promise I won’t pop in and write a blog post now and then. And who knows? Maybe I just need a break and will return reinspired and reinvigorated at some point, with a fresh take on things. I don’t know what the future holds. But I know it’s going to be good!